A Model of the Ground State Helium Atom

Let us model the Helium atom, at time t=0, as (a) two electrons at x=-re and x=re, (b) two protons at x=-rp and x=rp (with rp<<re), and (c) two neutrons at z=rn and z=-rn. The diametrically opposed electrons are orbiting in a common circular orbit of radius re, at a common speed ve. re and ve are to be determined.

For brevity we write 1/4πε0 as k:

k=1/4πε0.    (1)

Then the net Coulomb force on each electron has the magnitude

Fcoulomb=k2e2/re2-ke2/4re2    (2)


There is also a Newtonian force on each electron:

Fnewton=mve2/re.    (3)

Equating the Coulombic and Newtonian forces produces

mve2=7ke2/4re    (4)


ve2re=7ke2/4m.    (5)

By deBroglie each electron is associated with a wavelength λ:

λ=h/mve.    (6)

In the ground state we assume that one of these wavelengths fits into the electron orbital:

λ=2πre.    (7)

This being the case,

h/mve=2πre,    (8)


vere=h/2πm.    (9)

Dividing Eq. 5 by Eq. 9 produces

ve=7πke2/2h.    (10)

Solving for re and ve:

re=.3024e-10, (11)

ve=3828460. (12)

Eq. 11 agrees well with the Internet value of .31e-10.