The Fine Structure Constant and Bohr Atom Orbitals

Arnold Sommerfeld

Sommerfeld, discoverer of the Fine Structure Constant

Practically every physical constant consists of a number multiplied by one or more physical units. e.g.

c = 3e8 m/sec. (1)

The number part changes with a different choice of units. e.g.

c = 3e10 cm/sec.      (2)

Of all the physical constants, one stands out in that it is dimensionless. That constant is called The Fine Structure Constant. It is symbolized by “α” and equals approximately 1/137. More precisely

α = e2/2eohc.    (3)

Since it is dimensionless, α is the same in every system of units.

Many physical quantities can be expressed as α times the physical units of choice. For example, the speed of a Bohr atom ground state electron can most simply be expressed as

v = αc.      (4)

Or more generally

v= αc/N.                   (5)

A second useful constant is

α’ = h/(2πmcα),                 (6)

where m is the electron’s mass. α’ has the dimension “meter”, and the radius of the Nth electron orbital isr= N2α’.           (7)